wanna be my friend?

It makes me think of the old days in primary school a bit. The one with the cooles, most expensive and most marbles got the most friends.

So the aim was to get the best marbles. If you’d managed, there would be some people who would ask you to be their friend. What I talking about? My new time-consumer: orkut.

It’s so calles socal network software. Online. Invite firends, become friends with friends of friends etc. It becomes a quite literal network of friend.

Wanna be invited? Drop me a line @ the comments. I might considder adding you ;)Ber

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Over de auteur: Bèr Kessels is een ervaren webdeveloper met een grote passie voor techniek en Open Source. Een gouden combinatie om de techniek goed en efficiënt toe te passen. Volg @berkes op Mastodon. Of lees meer over Bèr.