Drupal.org documents improvements.

Here you find my idea of how the index of the Drupal Documentation should be modeled. The idea is simple: MAke the sections on drupal.org mirrors of eachother. We now have four support forums “Pre Installation issues”, “Installation issues”, “Upgrading issues”and post installation issues”. I would like the books to follow this structure. So I introduced four new pages under the “administer section”, that resemble these. The FAQ should remain there, imo.

On top of that I wrote a small guideline paragraph. To point people to the fact that books are not meant for asking queestions, but rather for documentation. Comments should thus only be used for discussing the article, not asking help.

- General information about Drupal

  • download drupal, modules and themes
  • drupal case studies
  • drupal hosting and services
  • drupal presentations and articles
  • feature overview
  • sites that use drupal
  • where does the name ‘drupal’ come from?
  • donating to the drupal project
  • druplicon (the logo)
  • user’s guide
  • basic concepts
  • registering and logging in
  • changing your account settings
  • creating new content
  • editing and deleting content
  • administrator’s guide
  • troubleshooting faq
  • pre installation documents
  • drupal case studies -> general information about drupal/drupal case studies
  • feature overview -> general information about drupal/feature overview
  • sites that use drupal -> general information about drupal/sites that use drupal
  • installation
  • install.txt online
  • unpacking and copying drupal
  • creating the database
  • creating database
  • creating your first account
  • upgrading
  • backups -> post installation/backups
  • removing the old structure
  • adding the new structure
  • upgrading the database
  • post installation
  • configuration
  • drupal modules and features
  • backups
  • developer’s guide
  • stays like it is now

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Over de auteur: Bèr Kessels is een ervaren webdeveloper met een grote passie voor techniek en Open Source. Een gouden combinatie om de techniek goed en efficiënt toe te passen. Volg @berkes op Mastodon. Of lees meer over Bèr.