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Every political active person should be able to communicate and propagate his ideas through the internet. Greensnet [1] will be a new idea of networking between all European green and social organizations, parties and individuals . Not only will it be a free and open source distribution that anybody can use, but it will also make the process of creating a free and unbound website an easy process. On top of that the website will be networked to other greensnet sites. Because greensnet will run along with CivicSpace [2], a project similar to greensnet, but aimed at progressive politics in the US, we have a solid base to build on a progressive network.
The System will provide you with a huge range of features, the current features are listed below. Because we use the technology of civicspace, we offer the exact same features. Therefore the list below is the list of features as seen on
- Threaded, sortable, searchable comments
- Every user gets a blog
- Run a powerful Scoop style community blog with peer moderation / promotion
- RSS feeds for community blogs and user blogs
- Import and republish remote blog entries via RSS
- Photo Galleries
- User Galleries
- Community Galleries
- Comments for images
- User Profiles
- friend / buddy tracking
- Add friends to your list and keep track of their postings
- Polls
- file storage
Send targeted email
- can handle up to 500,000 emails at once
- query engine to for dynamic lists
- save queries for future use
- save, edit, and web-publish mails
Import and Aggregate Remote Content
- sort, categorize, and republish imported content
- republish remote content as
- Static Page
- Blog posts
- Forum threads
Manage your groups membership and contacts
- sort and search by any contact type
- import member contact info via excel csv
- an account on one civicspace site can be used to log into another civicspace site
- account profiles can be copied over automatically via foaf
Organize Events
- let members rsvp / email attendees
- ride-share board can organize carpooling
- sync events / calendar with any other civicspace site (via event name space rss)
- display events as calendar or as list
- export events to ical
Collaboratively create, edit, and publish documents
- javascript wysiwig editor
- textile markup
- create books
- Automatically create hierarchy / index for pages
- Revisioning system lets you roll back user changes
- “Printer-Friendly� export
Easily create discussion forum + mailing lists
- greenspace supports “yahoo-groups style� message forums
- You can mail entries to the forum
- You can post entries to the forum that will be sent out as mail the list
- Threaded and searchable
- threads can be locked
- threads never expires
- create multiple forum + mailing-lists
Create forms and surveys for data collection
- use web based interface to dynamically create web-surveys
- export collected data as excell csv’s
And More! (We are just getting started….)
Greensnet: a progressive concept of networking
Initially, we hope people will use the software for fairly low-end kinds of online collaboration, in much the way people today use Yahoo Groups, a system of electronic-mail lists, to create small communities. By targeting greensnet at political organizers, with specialized tools, we hope to make such organizing easier and more efficient.
Greensnet is not related to any political party, nor to any organization. It is an independent open source initiative.
Based on the model and technology of the internet-based campaign of Howard Dean, the technology and model has already proven its value. But even more: it has proven to be a very effective method of internet campaigning. During the presidential campaign in the US this summer there was a lot of talk about the internet campaign by Howard Dean. The way that internet campaign is set up is not only unique, but was also very succesfull. This was due to a new concept of internet networking. The central place of the internet campaign was called Deanspace, now called Civicspace. Civicspace then again, uses Drupal [3] as main engine.
So what is greensnet looking for?
A host Greenspace looks a server to host its network. This server needs not be an extremely complex and heavyweight system, but should be capable of handling the network, database connections and the phpbased applications. On top of that it should be configurable enough to be able to let the network run as efficiently as possible. Requirements are Apache, PHP and Mysql.
Domain resellers Greenspace wants to connect its site installation wizard to domain hosting. So that the organization will own its own domain with the website, if they require so.
Funding Currently we are all running on volunteers. But to be able to build a community of professionals that can maintain and extend the network we need resources.
Manpower Anyone is very welcome to join the team and help build the system. Since it is open source anyone willing, can join.
Whether you are a designer, translator, writer, developer, programmer, interface architect, you can be of help!
Footnotes and more detailed information:
For more information on this you might want to read:
An article about CivicSpace.
An article about social networking with drupal.
An article about the new way of internet campaigning.
Or contact greensnet at:
address: Turnhoutsebaan 34/3
2140 Antwerpen