It's not Ruby that's slow, it's your database
Many people keep repeating that Ruby is slow. It is. But that doesn’t matter, because your database is so much slower that it is the bottleneck. So, an alternative title would be “Ruby is slow, but that doesn’t matter for you.”
While writing a gem that offers key-value storage in your existing Postgresql database, and benchmarking it, my old mantra kept popping up: Ruby isn’t slow, the database is slow. So much that I decided to collect the benchmarks and backup that mantra for myself.
In the industry, this is called I/O-bound, and is opposed by CPU-Bound performance. Most Ruby performance issues that I helped solve, fell in the first. The slowness of Ruby wasn’t causing any problems.
Ruby is slow, but…
Let’s be clear: ruby is slow. The garbage collector, JIT compiler, its highly dynamic nature, the ability to change the code runtime and so on, all add up to a sluggish language.
However, when People say “Ruby is slow,” when diving deeper, this critique often falls in one of three categories:
- Yes, Ruby is slow, and that is a problem for our use-case.
- Yes, Ruby is slow, but in practice this does not matter for us.
- Yes, the Ruby application is slow, but really, its the stack, not just the language.
I want to dive deeper into the last one, but let’s get the first two out of the way, first.
Ruby is becoming faster year over year, and while that is very welcome, it probably won’t matter in the bigger picture:
I also think that speed isn’t a major factor slowing down Ruby adoption. Most people who use Ruby don’t need it to be faster. They like the extra free speed, sure. But they weren’t avoiding Ruby for speed reasons. –
Because performance really is very dependant on context:
[…] how fast does your system need to be? And how fast is it now? If you can test its current performance and know what good performance looks like, then you should feel confident in making a change. Sometimes making one thing slower in exchange for other things is the right thing to do, especially if slower is still perfectly acceptable. – Sam Newman in Building Microservices
So, often it hardly matters that it is slow, because your use-case does not need the scale, speed, or throughput that Ruby chokes on. Or because the trade-offs are worth it: Often the quicker development, cheaper development, faster time-to-market etc is worth the extra resources (servers, hardware, SAAS) you must throw at your app to keep it performing acceptable.
Not always, but often.
A quick benchmark
To re-confirm how bad Ruby performs, I made a quick benchmark comparing Ruby and Rust for a (simplified) real-world job that I recently ran into: parse a CSV, grab a number from a column, then bucket-count the results. The simplified version does this for a (My actual version did this for a CSV ten times as big as the example used here). The example counts how many votes a movie has and groups those counts: between 0 and 10 votes, between 10 and 100 votes etc.
To compare somewhat honestly, I tried to create a version in Rust and Ruby that are internally as similar as possible. The result is both ugly Ruby and ugly Rust. Buggy even. And none are optimized for performance. I’m certain the Ruby and Rust version can be improved (but even as Ruby-expert, and Rust-novice, I already know the Rust version is easier to optimize further then the Ruby version).
All benchmark code is found in an accompanying GitHub repo.
This is not Proper Science, but it shows the obvious: Ruby is slower[1]. Rust:
ber@berkes:db_benchmarks ⌁ time ./target/release/movie_ratings
Some(0..=10): ###################### - 445
Some(10..=100): ############################################################ - 1208
Some(100..=1000): ############################################################################################################### - 2229
Some(1000..=10000): ############################################# - 914
Some(10000..=18446744073709551615): - 7
real 0m0,162s
user 0m0,146s
sys 0m0,016s
ber@berkes:db_benchmarks ⌁ time ruby movie_ratings.rb
10000..: - 7
1000..10000: ############################################# - 914
100..1000: ############################################################################################################### - 2229
10..100: ############################################################ - 1208
0..10: ###################### - 445
real 0m1,491s
user 0m1,389s
sys 0m0,103s
The Rust version is about 10x as fast as the Ruby version. Relative, this is huge! With larger files this speed difference does not increase linear, though, but janky. A large part of this time is startup time (hard to measure in this use-case) and the JIT compiler. Another part is the GC in Ruby “arbitrarily kicking in” and halting all progress until it is finished: dealing with large datasets, makes this a real and annoying problem.
But how about the absolute difference here? The Ruby version is just over 1.2 second slower. Enough to be a little annoying while testing and developing. When you run this over-and-over (in automated tests, I hope!) this gobbles up mere minutes in a day, though: A total of 1.2 seconds on a script that is ran about 20 times while developing and then maybe weekly in a cron? Not at all: You wasted half a minute and just under 5 seconds per month.
I’m only focusing on CPU here, but Memory is just as big an issue, yet far less visible in the typical use-case of modern software: customers, interacting with server software, will experience slowness, but won’t directly experience memory use. The main reason, however, not to dive to deep into this, is that benchmarking memory is rather complicated.
So, yes. Ruby is slow and using a lot of resources. It makes trade-offs, so maybe the overall costs, including development, is less. It depends on your case, is never an absolute.
It’s the stack, that makes it slow, not just the language.
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: Rails. While there are some Ruby projects that don’t deal with Rails, the majority of Ruby-code running in production is running Ruby on Rails. I personally write most of my code in Ruby, but hardly ever write Rails (I don’t like Rails very much; another post, another time), but I’m also aware that I’m an exception that to the rule: Ruby development is almost always “web-development in Rails.”
One issue with Rails (or, arguably, a benefit?) is that it is highly coupled to the database. Rails is all about The Sacred Dictating Database. Without a database, Rails is pretty useless, and gets in your way more than it helps[2]. Furthermore, Rails is about the web. You can do non-web-stuff in Rails, but that really makes no sense at all: Rails is for HTTP. And Rails is big, massively so[3]. And often chooses ergonomics (developer friendliness) over performance, as does Ruby, the language. This is fine! But this means that in Rails, even more than in Ruby, performance is a problem.
So, the “stack” means “Ruby on Rails using a database.” And because Rails is web, doing only[4] HTTP request-responses we’ll be looking at Ruby in context of web-services only.
To dissect the issue, I’ll be comparing some non-rails, non-http, ruby scripts.
Ruby isn’t particular good at juggling significant amounts of data, yet this is what, deep down, webservices are all about. To illustrate the relative performance, we compare writing, and reading a million records to various sources: Memory, a SQLite database in memory and a Postgresql database.
Obviously, and unsurprisingly, memory is magnitudes faster than anything else[7]. Postgresql, here, is a docker container that gets only only CPU, and isn’t tuned at all. This is not about the absolute numbers, so it doesn’t matter that much what the exact Postgresql setup is. What matters is the magnitute of difference.
ber@berkes:db_benchmarks ⌁ ruby ruby_slow.rb
user system total real
Mem write 0.005277 0.000000 0.005277 ( 0.005271)
Sqlite mem write 0.080462 0.000000 0.080462 ( 0.080464)
Postgres write 0.665662 0.151700 0.817362 ( 3.068891)
Mem read 0.002772 0.000000 0.002772 ( 0.002767)
Sqlite mem read 10.323161 0.021355 10.344516 ( 10.345039)
Postgres read 8.296689 0.041118 8.337807 ( 8.682667)
Writing into a database is slow. And it gets slower even when you have tuned the database for read-speed, with indexes, and/or that database is under load.
The above timings do need more dissecting, though. They don’t tell what makes it slow. And, surprisingly, this is another part of the stack the ORM. I used sequel, because it is simpler, so we can dissect easier.
Looking at two flamegraphs, we see that when inserting, Postgresql really is the bottleneck there. This makes sense, because a database has quite some work to do on insert. Our table is simple and has only one, and then of the lightest type, index.
Writing to a database is slow. So slow that all other timings become insignificant.
On reading, Postgresql is less of a bottleneck. This is partly due to the
extremely simple lookup (no joins, using one index, very little data to fetch, etc).
The parsing (juggling of data) takes the majority of time: DateTime::parse
Or, reversed: the DateTime::parse
is such a performance-hog, that it makes the
time spent in the database insignificant.
We have now identified two performance-problems in our stack: Postgresql, and the ORM.
To be clear: this isn’t to show that sequel is slow, or that DateTime::parse is problematic[8]. This is to show that the more tooling we add to our stack, the worse the performance becomes. Again: obvious and unsurprising. But worth reiterating.
Before pulling entire Rails into the benchmarks, lets isolate ORM in Rails: ActiveRecord. Again, very much simplified and again, the queries don’t fetch anything complex, so the time spent in the database is very little.
user system total real
Postgres Sequel write 0.679423 0.112094 0.791517 ( 2.963639)
Postgres Sequel read 8.798584 0.011155 8.809739 ( 9.194935)
Postgres AR write 1.741980 0.189130 1.931110 ( 4.404335)
Postgres AR read 1.551020 0.040676 1.591696 ( 1.922000)
Writing Through ActiveRecord:
Reading Through ActiveRecord:
Reading Through Sequel:
Writing Through Sequel:
We can clearly see that the DateTime::parse
from sequel remains a problem. I
suspect, ActiveRecord uses a much better performing method to hoist the
datetime from Postgresql to a native DateTime.
Yet relatively speaking, this poor performance of Ruby hardly matters. It hardly matters that Ruby halts all code for 15ms to do garbage collection, if the fastest database-query takes 150ms. The entire overhead of JIT, all the bazillion layers of Rack and Rails HTTP parsing and forwarding, is nothing besides a 190ms insert query writing to the database.
The example fetches a single record from a single table: no things that a relational database is so good for, but which also causes actual performance issues in that database: no joins, sorting, filtering, calculations etc.
So, even with a very poor performing ORM, the Database remains the primary time consumer.
Scaling Up
We’ve all been there: our Ruby/Rails code grows so convoluted becomes so poorly set-up that the stack (or your custom code) really is the bottleneck: this is easy to solve! Just add extra servers. A single request won’t become much faster, but at least the load on the server no longer brings down the performance for all other users. Your app won’t become faster, but will be able to grow to more users.
You can easily do this, until the database becomes the bottleneck again. Writing to a relational database is always a centralised problem: we can only scale that up vertically: larger database-server. For the query (read) side, we can add complexity to solve it: read-copies (formerly known as “slaves”). Almost all common relational database servers allow this. It’s not trivial, because it introduces “eventual consistency” to a setup/framework that was never designed to be eventual consistent but it’s doable. Writing (create, insert, update, delete etc) isn’t: the database will, at some point, be your bottleneck. Unless it isn’t ever: but then performance never was a problem to begin with.
Solving performance issues in Ruby code is easy: just throw more servers at it. Solving database performance issues isn’t that easy because scaling up a relational database is hard or even impossible at some point.
Another conclusion here would be that to keep your code scalable you should keep as much logic, transformations, etc in code[9]. By pushing business logic, constraints, validations and calculations into the database, you lose the simplest, and often cheapest, means of performance gains: “Throw More Servers At It.”
As mentioned several times, Rails’ complexity does cause real and hard to solve performance-issues. So we need to look at that too.
To throw a quote by DHH back at Rails:
“All of the fancy optimizations are optimizations to get you closer to the performance you would’ve gotten if you just hadn’t used so much technology” ☝️
Rails’ internal complexity has two profound effects on performance. One is that it has tons of abstractions, critically referred to as “Black Magick.” The other is that your data passes through all these layers and all this complexity before the request-response of a typical HTTP cycle is finished.
With Ruby being a relatively slow language when handling data (see below), the more code your data has to pass through, the slower the result becomes. This is true for all software, but amplified with Ruby. Rails’ 163500 lines of Ruby (dd 01-04-2022) certainly don’t help speed this up.
“Lines of code” are not a metric for performance, but they are an indication. Don’t forget that even the smallest rails project still boots hundreds of thousands of lines of code, even if your data passes through only a fraction thereof.
Benchmarking Rails’ has been done over and over. Instead of continuing with the “benchmarks” and flamegraphs for the entire stack, including Rails, I’ll now get a bit more meta. Less on numbers, more conceptual. Because with Rails, I’m convinced the performance problems are conceptual. Technical performance problems, as showed above, are caused by Ruby, not Rails.
ActiveRecord (the implementation in Rails, not the pattern per-sé) is an abstraction over a system (a relational database) that requires a lot of detailed knowledge to keep performant. ActiveRecord (the pattern) not only is a leaky abstraction, it mostly is an abstraction that hides details that cannot be hidden and should not be hidden.
More practically: That one
I threw in to fix an
N+1 query years ago, dynamically chooses what it thinks you
It may “suddenly, magically, dynamically” start to build other JOINS and
queries and degrade your performance. (Okay, not runtime from one minute to the
next, but over small changes).
I’ve had a database server cluster go down on a multi-million-users app, because of this: a simple, unrelated change in an unrelated controller caused Rails to switch over to an outer join with an humongous materialized view that was never meant to be joined this way (it was for reporting). But Rails’ magic decided that from now on, it was going to use that. Every pageload suddenly did a ~2s database query, gobbling all CPU and IO up on the database server. Ouch.
A stupid mistake, certainly. One that we did not see because in development and test, the performance never decreased. But one that we should’ve noticed.
I do, however, blame “Rails” for making it so easy to make that mistake. In this specific case, we found and solved it fast. But I’ve worked on codebases that were riddled with such mistakes. The only reason those projects kept running was because of the huge Heroku server (@$1200/month) keeping it afloat for a few hundred visitors. A day. Where such mistakes don’t bring down database clusters, but incrementally accumulate to an expensive, and terrible performing app. A 20ms slowdown is hardly measurable. Hundred 20ms slowdowns, one by one added over months, does make the response unacceptably (it depends…I know) slow. And, worst of all, where these “mistakes” were labelled as “Done The Rails Way” by the team.
Rails is full of such footguns (Which Rails calls sharp
knives). Most of which are
harmless on their own. But which compound. It
is easy to join up tables in suboptimal ways, to sort or filter on un-indexed
columns. Active-record is filled with tools that make it easy to abuse the
database horrendously, without warnings. The amount of Rails apps that I worked
on, whith some form of .sort(params[:sort_by])
is astounding: in 2021 alone,
I worked on three separate rails apps, all of which could DOS the database by
firing requests with ?sort=some_unindexed_field
. While this example is
extreme and may count as security issue, it illustrates how easy it is to make
your apps performance horrible.
The sorting-by-un-indexed-field example illustrates how Rails’ coupling to the database makes many of its performance issues database issues.
In my experience, performance issues in Rails are always:
- N+1 queries. Easy to detect. Hard to fix (without introducing massive coupling issues).
- Unoptimized joins. It’s far too easy to add simple
which allows developers to fire queries at the database that are way too heavy. This is near impossible to fix once introduced and spread through the app. There’s always code that, in the end runs something likeUser.with_access_to(project).notifications.last.sent_to
. And which happens to query over five join tables and joins on at least one index that wasn’t meant for this. Causing some 800ms query. On each pageload. - Unoptimized
calls. Using columns that are hard or poorly optimized to filter, group, or order on. Using non-indexed columns.
My rule of thumb is that each added or removed where
, has_many
, group
or any such
active-record method must be accompanied by a database migration.
Because the only times you don’t need to optimize the database for this new way of querying it,
is if you already had indexes that you weren’t using before (meaning it was poorly optimized before).
The other time is when you re-use existing indices, in which case you most
probably should refactor to move the querying to a single-responsibility (e.g.
a named scope).
With Rails’ human-friendly active-record API, it is easy to forget that you are still just querying a complex relational database. One that needs nudging and tuning and tweaking just to keep serving you the data within reasonable time.
With Rails it is easy to stack up many tiny mistakes that make your Database the bottleneck. But even if you have all that under control, a high performing database-call is still a magnitude slower than many other calls.
It is still a factor thousand or more faster to fill some array from memory and code, then to fill that array from a database. As I showed in the first paragraph.
So? What should I do about it?
Some rules of thumb that I employ are:
- Don’t use the database when avoidable. Which is always more often than I think. I don’t need to store the 195 countries of the world in a database and join when showing a country- dropdown. Just hardcode it or put in config read on boot. Hell, maybe your entire product catalogue of the e-commerce site can be a single YAML read on boot? This goes for many more objects than I often think.
- Keep all logic out of the database. It already is the slowest point. And hardest to scale up.
- Be vigilant of any
, etc calls. They must be accompanied by a migration to tune at least the indexes, if added (or removed). - Keep all database-calls simple. As few joins as possible, as few filters and sorts as possible. Databases in general can optimize much easier for this. This also keeps the app decoupled from the actual database details.
- N+1 Queries are not always bad. Sometimes even preferred. Because they enable business-logic to remain in code. And keep the logic of what to fetch in a single place, allowing performance optimization there.
- Remain aware of where the actual performance issues fall. Proactively scale up according to whether the performance is IO-bound or computational. And pray for it to be computational.
[1] To push the counterpoint though: as a Rust noob, I spent over an hour writing the Rust version and as a Ruby senior (10+ years), less than 10 minutes. I’d need to run both versions way over 2000 times before the extra time I spent developing the Rust version starts paying off in extra time waiting for it to run.
[2] I am certain that you can show me a project where you run Rails without a Database and where that makes sense. They cases are there. Some that I came across, are: “I already know Rails, but not Sinatra,” or “management requires us to run everything on a similar codebase.” Actually, scratch that last one. Most are valid reasons, except the last one: that is a horrible reason to choose Rails.
[3] A quick grep: Over 9000 classes, over 33000 methods; excluding all the magic dynamic methods like the ones that wrap around your database model. This excludes the 70-something dependencies that rails itself comes with.
[4] A common Rails app will be sending email, probably generating PDFs, ingesting CSVs of exporting CSVs, but all interaction, typically, goes through HTTP. I’m aware of the exceptions (I worked on them) where Rails is used only for running cron-jobs, ETL-pipelines or even media-encoding, but those are really that: exceptions.
[5] Ironically, the performance issue becomes less articulated in this non-http, non-rails context, yet in these cases people generally dismiss ruby as option, for its performance-issues. Which, catch-22, is one of the reasons Ruby is hardly used outside of Rails (and/or Web).
[7] What might be surprising, is that lookups from the SQLite in memory are slower than lookups from the database. But this illustrates another important issue: the database runs in a separate thread, maybe even on separate hardware. So load gets distributed: with SQLite, and our memory example, one singe Ruby thread is doing all the filtering, fetching and hoisting. With an external database, this is offset. Depending on your setup, the Ruby thread might even continue work while the database does its lookups. In this case, Postgresql, which is optimized to filter and fetch data, can do this faster than SQLite-inside-ruby. In a typical production setup, the Postgresql is even better suited at this.
[8] Please do note that while DateTime::parse
is slow, this function is
written in C. The slowness is not because it’s written in Ruby, but probably
because parsing such complex texts is slow. It would probably be just as slow
for a feature-comparable version in Rust.
[9] There are many more reasons why this is a better idea. The most obvious one being that you can never put all business-logic in the database, even if you wanted. So you will have business-logic in multiple places without any structure of what goes where. So the obvious solution to keep it in one place, is… to keep in one place. The only place where it all can be kept: your application.